View our recommendations for products to help train and control the muscles of the body for large movements

  • provide support and proprioceptive feedback via deep pressure

  • provide a safe easy to clean space, easily fold to become portable

  • build confidence judging distances, coordinating and balancing

  • unique sensory floor mats massage hands and feet

  • help regulate the body and filter sensory information

  • promotes balance and coordination while providing a fun workout

  • allow children to see themselves during therapy, peel clings off the mirror for fine motor development

  • encourage arm strength development by pushing against the knobby ball

  • aids in the development of baby’s visual perception

  • gross motor activity toy designed to encourage tummy time, build strength, and develop neck muscles for head control

  • provide comfort and stability as a child walks and explores

  • 3-in-1 ergonomic floor seat and high chair that encourages proper upright posture and is safe for hip development

  • crawl up the slide and step up the ladder to develop gross motor skills and muscle strength

  • provides upper trunk support and proprioceptive input

  • 3-in-1 stander, offering prone, upright and supine positioning. help build stability and strength for gross motor abilities

  • make learning to sit upright fun in this lightweight and portable bath tub

  • massage the body, provide buoyant support, deep-pressure sensation and encourage relaxation. visual, auditory, and tactile sensory stimuli and the proprioceptive feedback build confidence and strengthen sensory motor skills

  • footwear that click to encourage children to walk on their heels, fits well over AFOs and SMOs

  • for those in need of postural support, sensorimotor input, or neuromotor retraining

  • strengthen muscles and gross motor skills, improve coordination and posture

  • promote the development of gross motor skills and help with stretching and vestibular therapy

  • for riding, pushing, sitting, and supported walking

  • a great learning seat, arms provide support when learning to stand

  • improves core strength, stability, leg strength, balance, coordination, and gross-motor skills

  • stimulates children to move their eyes, neck and body. a great toy for encouraging children to lift their head

a fun time.

therapy should always be