The modern marketplace is not disability-friendly. Many popular and top-rated children’s products do not work for the non-typical child. Sites categorize children’s products by age, but the non-typical child often reaches developmental milestones at a slower pace. Best Special provides an easily digestible list of products that work for our non-typical child. Caregivers can easily sort recommended products by milestone achieved instead of age.

One shared feature of families who have a child with a disability is a lack of time due to the enormous amount of care required by a non-typical child. Best Special aims to reduce the amount of time dedicated to researching, purchasing, testing, and wasting money on children’s products that may not work for their child, allowing caregivers to direct precious time at helping their child progress.

Our most immediate knowledge is of products related to hypotonia, sensory issues, and developmental delay, and most we describe have been recommended or approved by speech, feeding, occupational, and physical therapists. However, recommended items for these conditions often parallel needs for other conditions and can be leveraged to children with adjacent needs.

These products may not be applicable to all children or conditions. Please use these recommendations with care and an understanding of your own child’s needs and abilities.

  • Best Special is a non-profit that creates no income from any purchases or donations. All donations made are handled by and go directly to the foundation. Some purchases made through links to external sites may generate a percentage donation to the DESSH Foundation.

  • The majority of products listed were recommended to us or approved by certified Special Needs therapists. Feel free to reach out to see if a particular item was therapist approved.

  • If you wish to contribute to our mission, please donate directly to the DESSH Foundation at